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Sunday, April 28, 2024   
Articles written by Trial Lawyers For Public Justice
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TLPJ Files National Credit Cardholder Class Action Against Chevy Chase Bank
by Trial Lawyers For Public Justice
Trial Lawyers for Public Justice (TLPJ) has filed a national class action lawsuit against Chevy Chase Bank charging that the bank breached its contracts with cardholders by raising their interest rates in excess of a promised 24 percent ceiling. After years of promising in its agreement that "your annual percentage rate will never exceed 24 percent," the bank tried to amend the agreement without the legally required notice -- and then began charging up to 27 percent.
by Trial Lawyers For Public Justice
Maryland's highest court ruled unanimously on March 8 that the plaintiffs in TLPJ's national class action lawsuit against Chevy Chase Bank cannot be deprived of their constitutional right to a jury trial and their right to bring a class action.
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